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(as resulting from the amendments voted by the General assembly of members, in Salerno, 31.5.2013)

Article 1 – (Establishment and seat)

  1. The Italian Association for Comparative Law (AIDC) is established as national branch of the Association International des Sciences Juridiques (AISJ). The Association is governed by Articles 36 ff. of the Italian Civil Code.
  2. The seat of the Association is with the acting President, at the address that will be indicated when designated.

Article 2 – (Aims)

  1. The Association has the following aims:
    a) Promote and organize research and studies of comparative and foreign law;
    b) Cooperate with the entities and organizations that in Italy or abroad pursue similar objectives;
    c) Cooperate with public institutions to ensure the spread of comparative law in University curricula and in academic faculties;
    d) Provide assistance and advice to legislative bodies, administrations and independent authorities, and international and EU institutions in the fields of comparative and European law in order to contribute to a more informed evolution of the legislative systems.

Article 3 – (Membership)

  1. Are eligible membership in the Association:
    a) Lawyers who are interested in the topic of comparative and foreign law;
    b) Entities, organizations, centers, and universities, both Italian and foreign, which may contribute, directly or indirectly, to the attainment of the objectives of the Association.
  2. Admission to the Association is decided by the steering Committee on the basis of a request supported by a member of the steering Committee.

Article 4 – (Organs)

  1. The organs of the Association are:
    a) The General assembly
    b) The Steering Committee
    c) The President

Article 5 – (General assembly)

  1. The General assembly is composed by all the members of the Association who have regularly paid their dues. The assembly may be convened whenever the Steering Committee deems it appropriate. It must be convened at least once every four years for the renewal of its elective organs. The Assembly is convened by notice on the website of the Association and communication via e-mail to the account indicated by the members, at least 30 days before it is set. The Assembly is validly held whatever the number of those present. It votes on any matter on the basis of the simple majority of those present.
  2. If the agenda of the General assembly carries proposals of amendment to these by-laws the Steering committee must transmit the text of the amendment together with the notice of the Assembly.
  3. The Assembly establishes, from time to time, the procedures it must follow also regarding the election of the members of the Steering committee.
  4. The members of the Association may be represented at the Assembly by other members, with a written proxy. All members, including legal entities, hold one vote. No member may represent more than five other members.
  5. The Assembly is presided by the President of the Association, or in his absence, by the Vice-President. If both are absent the Assembly elects its own President.

Article 6 – (Steering committee)

  1. The Steering committee is composed of nine members elected by the General assembly.
  2. The Steering committee in its first meeting designates the President and may designate also the Vice-President and the Secretary general of the Association. The Secretary general takes part in the votes of the Steering committee.
  3. For the validity of the meetings of the Steering committee, which can also be held at a distance, the quorum is of at least half of its members.
  4. The Vice-Presidency and the Secretary general may be held by the same person. Any member of the Steering committee may be designated as representative in the council of the AISJ.
  5. The Steering committee holds all the powers of ordinary and extra-ordinary management of the Association. It sets and runs its agenda in accordance with the broad indications of the Assembly.
  6. The Steering committee sits for a four year term and anyhow until the General assembly which must be convened for the purpose. All officers may be re-elected. If, for whatever reason, there is a vacancy of one or of two officers, the remaining members of the Steering committee may complete the committee by coopting or designating new officers.

Article 7 – (Legal representative)

  1. The President is the legal representative of the Association. In case of his impossibility or with his proxy the Association is represented by the Vice-president.
  2. In regards of the relations with the AISJ representation is also with the delegate of the Association in the council of the AISJ.

Article 8 – (Assets)

  1. The assets of the Association are:
    a) Membership fees
    b) Any subsidy, donation or bequest by any private or public entity or by natural persons
    c) Any other income that contributes to the Association’s balance

Article 9 – (Final provisions)

  1. In its first term all the organs of the Association will be indicated by acclamation.
  2. Membership fees are set by the Steering committee. The yearly fee for the AISJ in set in 50 US$.
  3. Any question not regulated by the present by-law will be regulated by the Italian Civil Code.